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Life with Autism can be hard enough without having to try to figure out all the new jargon & acronyms. Here is a rough guide to help you navigate the world of autism,


As the jargon being used is ever increasing and changing if there is anything new or changed please contact us.

ABA - Applied Behavioural Analysis.

ABC - Autism Behaviour Checklist.

AD - Attachment Disorder.

ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder.

ADHD - Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

ADI - Autism Diagnostic Interview.

ADOS - Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale.

AIT - Auditory Integration Therapy.

ALN - Additional Learning Needs.

ALNCO - Additional Learning Needs Coordinator.

APD - Auditory Processing Disorder.

AS - Asperger’s Syndrome.

ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder.

BD - Behavioural Disorder.

BD/ED - Behaviour Disturbed / Emotionally Disturbed.

BIP - Behaviour Improvement Plan.

BMP - Behaviour Management Plan.

BSP - Behaviour Support Plan.

BSS - Behaviour Support Service.

BT - Behaviour Therapy OR Behavioural Techniques.

CA - Carers Allowance.

CAB - Citizens Advice Bureau.

CAF - Common Assessment Framework.

CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.

CAPD - Central Auditory Processing Disorder.

CARS - Childhood Autism Rating Scale.

CASBAT - Communication And Social Behaviour Assessment Team.

CASDAS - Communication & Social Development Assessment Service.

CAT - Cognitive Ability Test.

CBH - Community Behavioural Health.

CBT - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

CD - Conduct Disorder.

CDAC - Communication Disorder Assessment Clinic.

CDB- Child Disability Supplement (Canada).

CDC - Child Development Centre.

CDD - Childhood Disintegrative Disorder.

CDT - Children’s Disability Team.

CFF - Community Care Facility.

CHAT - Checklist for Autism in Toddlers.

CIC - Child in Care.

CIN - Child in Need.

CIT - Communication & Interaction Team.

CLA - Community Living Arrangement.

CLASP - Complex Learning and Social Problems.

CN - Community Nurse.

CPN - Community Psychiatric Nurse.

CW - Case Worker.

CYPS - Children’s & Young Peoples Services.

DCD - Developmental Co-ordination Disorder.

DD - Developmentally Delayed.

DDA - Disability Discrimination Act. (UK)

DMDD - Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder.

DfE - Department for Education. (UK)

DLA - Disability Living Allowance (UK).

DAMP - Deficits in Attention, Motor control and Perception.

DDA - Disability Discrimination Act.

DP - Direct Payments (Government benefit - UK).

DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental disorders.

DVD - Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia.

Dyspraxia - Poor co-ordination of fine motor skills (movement).

DX - Diagnosis.

EA - Equality Act.

EBD - Emotional and Behavioural Disorder.

Echolalia - Repeating Speech.

ECSE - Early Childhood Special Education.

ED - Psych Educational Psychologist.

EDD - Emotional Dysregulation Disorder.

ESDM - Early Start Denver Model.

EFD - Executive Functioning Disorder.

EHCP - Education & Health Care Plan 

EHE - Elected Home Education.

EI - Early Intervention.

EM - Elective Mutism.

EMS - Enhanced Mainstream School.

EP - Educational Psychologist.

EQA - Equalities Act. (UK)

ESCO - Early Support Care Coordination.

EOTAS - Education Other Than At School.

EYAP - Early Years Assessment Plan.

EYAT - Early Years Advisory Teacher or Team.

FSP - Family Support Plan.


FSS - Family Support Services.

FTE - Fixed Term Exclusion

GAD - Generalised Anxiety Disorder.

GAF - Global Assessment of Functioning Scale.

GDD - Global Development Delay.

GEP - Group Education Plan.

HFA - High Functioning Autism.

HMS - Hyper-Mobility Syndrome..

IACC - Inter Agency Coordinating Committee.

IAP - Individual Action Plan.

IASS - Information, Advice and Support Services. (Formerly Parent Partnership)

IBP - Individual Behaviour Plan.

ICF - Intermediate Care Facility.

ICP - Individual Communication Plan.t.

IEP - Individual Education Plan.

INCO - Inclusion Manager.

IPS - Independent Parental Supporter.

I.Q. - Intelligence Quotient.

JAD - Joint Attention Deficit.

LD - Learning Disability OR Language Disorder.

LEA - Local Education Authority.

LSA - Learning Support Assistant.

LSH - Language, Speech and Hearing Specialist.

LSS - Learning Support Service.

MAA - Multi Agency Assessment.

MCDD - Multiple Complex Developmental Disorder.

MDD - Major Depressive Disorder.

MDT - Multi-Disciplinary Team.

MLD - Moderate Learning Difficulties

Motor Tic - Involuntary Movement.

MSI - Multi Sensory Impairment.

NAS - National Autistic Society.

NT - Neuro Typical (so called ‘normal’).

NVLD - Non-Verbal Learning Disability’

NYD - Not Yet Diagnosed.

OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

ODD - Oppositional Defiance Disorder.

OHI - Other Health Impaired.

OT - Occupational Therapist/Therapy

PCA - Personal Care Assistant.

PCP - Person Centred Planning.

PCT - Primary Care Trust (UK)

PDA - Pathological Demand Avoidance.

PDD NOS - Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified.

PECS - Picture Exchange Communication System.

PIP - Personal Independence Plan (Post 16yrs - was DLA - UK).

PLD - Profound Learning Difficulty.

PMLD - Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties.

POA - Power Of Attorney.

PPCD - Preschool Programs for Children with Disabilities.

PPS - Parent Partnership Service (UK). 

PRU - Pupil Referral Unit.

PSD  - Personal & Social Development.

PST - Pragmatic Speech Therapy.

PT - Physio-Therapy.

SALT - Speech and Language Therapy.

SCARF - Severe & Complex Accessibility & Resources Funding.

SCB - Severe Challenging Behaviour.

SDD - Sensory Discrimination Disorder.

SEBD - Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties.

SED - Severely Emotionally Disturbed.

SEN - Special Educational Needs.

SENCO - Special Educational Needs Coordinator.

SENDA - Special Educational Needs and Disability Act.

SEP - Special Educational Provision.

SI - Sensory Integration.

SIB - Self Injurious Behaviour.

SID - Sensory Integration Dysfunction.

SLCN - Speech, Language and Communication Needs.

SLD - Specific Learning Disability.

SLD - Severe Learning Difficulties.

SLI - Speech Language Impairments.

SLP- Speech Language Pathologist (Canada).

SM - Selective Mute.

SMD - Sensory Modulation Disorder.

SPD - Semantic Pragmatic Disorder.

SPD - Sensory Processing Disorder.

SPLD - Specific Learning Disability.

SS - Self Stimulation.

SSA - Special Support Assistant.

TA - Teaching Assistant.

Tactile - Relating to Touch.

TD - Tactile Defensiveness

TS - Tourette’s Syndrome.

VLE - Visual Learning Environment.

Vocal Tic - Involuntary Vocalization.

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